1.1 Background
Historically, in the mid-1800s, inhalational anthrax related to the textile
industry became known as woolsorters’ disease (in England) and ragpickers’
disease (in Germany and Austria), because of the frequency of infection in mill
workers exposed to imported animal fibers contaminated with anthrax disease. In 1962, nine
anthrax epizootics have been recorded in the bison herds of northern Canada
resulting in the deaths of at least 1309 bison. Large anthrax outbreaks in humans
have occurred throughout the modern era more than 6,000 (mostly cutaneous)
cases occurred in Zimbabwe between October 1979 and March 1980, and 25
cutaneous cases occurred in Paraguay in 1987 after the slaughter of a single
infected cow. On September 11, 2001, the United States experienced 22 cases of
anthrax, including 5 deaths, and forever changing the realm of public healths. Until
now the dissemination of this disease still persists in many countries, because
the animal such as cattle and pig as one of host also widely cultivated.
dissemination of microorganism spores running quickly years by years, so that
the disease case is increase. Anthrax is caused by infection with Bacillus anthracis, a gram-positive
spore-forming rod. The spore form of this organism can survive in the
environment for many decades. Certain environmental conditions appear to
produce anthrax zones, areas where in the soil is heavily contaminated with
anthrax spores. Such conditions include soil rich in organic matter (pH < 6.0)
and dramatic changes in climate, such as abundant rainfall following a
prolonged drought. Partly because of its persistence in soil, anthrax is a
rather important veterinary disease, especially of domestic herbivores. In
addition to encountering anthrax while grazing in areas of high soil contamination,
these herbivores may also acquire the disease from the bite of certain flies. Vultures
may mechanically spread the organism in the environment. So, the disease spread
up wherever by various kind of host and environment condition. That’s why the
dissemination of this disease moved quickly.
several treatments by result of research activities for infected animal must be
conducted by scientist, farmer, and the agencies working in animal health or veterinary.
This aimed to minimize the dissemination of this disease include maintaining
health in worldwide. Hence, this paper would explain about the disease
especially in animal involve bacteriology, pathogenesis, prevalence, clinical
features, and the treatment.
1.2 Problem
The problem is:
How about the bacteriology of
anthrax disease?
How about the pathogenesis of
anthrax disease?
How about the prevalence of
anthrax disease?
How about the diagnosis of
anthrax disease?
How about the clinical features
of anthrax disease?
How about the treatment of
anthrax disease?
1.3 Purpose
The purpose involved:
To know about the bacteriology
of anthrax disease.
To know about the pathogenesis
of anthrax disease.
To know about the prevalence of
anthrax disease.
To know about the diagnosis of
anthrax disease.
To know about the clinical
features of anthrax disease.
To know about the treatment of
anthrax disease.
2.1 Bacteriology
anthracis as the
causative agent of anthrax, it’s a large,
gram-positive, aerobic, spore-forming bacillus that measures 1.0 to 1.5
μm by 3.0 to 10.0 μm. Unlike other saprobic bacillus species (B.
subtilis and B. cereus ), it is nonmotile, is nonhemolytic on
sheep’s-blood agar, grows readily at a temperature of 37°C, and forms
large colonies with irregularly tapered outgrowths (a “Medusa’s head” appearance).
In vitro it grows as long chains, but in the host it appears as single
organisms or chains of two or three bacilli. It forms mucoid colonies and
exhibits a prominent capsule when grown on nutrient agar containing 0.7 percent
sodium bicarbonate in the presence of 5 to 20 percent carbon dioxide. When nutrients are exhausted,
resistant spores are formed that can survive in the soil for decades. Spores do
not form in host tissues unless the infected body fluids are exposed to ambient
air. B. anthracis spores germinate when exposed to a nutrient-rich
environment, such as the tissues or blood of an animal or human host. Although B.
anthracis is one of the most molecularly monomorphic bacteria, it has been
possible to separate all known strains into five categories (providing some
clues to their geographic sites of origin) on the basis of variable numbers of
tandem repeats in the variable region of the vrrA gene.
2.2 Pathogenesis
B. anthracis has
a nearly worldwide distribution, existing in the soil in the form of
extremely resistant spores and causing infection in humans and in farm
and wild animals that have grazed on contaminated land or ingested
contaminated feed like meat or visceral organs.
When in the
animal transmission, anthrax tend to occur in
association with particular climatic and weather events, such as heavy
rainfall, flooding, and drought. In anthrax-prone areas, the close grazing of
animals on fresh shoots of grass after rainfall often leads to outbreaks of the
disease due to the ingestion of organisms picked from contaminated soils
(inhalation and ingestion). During severe outbreaks, biting flies may transmit
the disease from one animal to another but this is a very minor mode of
transmission (cutaneous). The principal mode of transmission is ingestion of
infective micro-organisms. Non-biting blowflies may contaminate vegetation by
depositing vomit droplets after feeding on a carcass infected with B. anthracis. Animals feeding on such
vegetation then become infected. Wild carnivores become infected through the
consumption of infected animals that have died from anthrax. Outbreaks of
anthrax have been reported in some animals after ingestion of feeds containing
meat and bone meal based concentrates originating from carcasses contaminated
with anthrax bacterial spores.
in the human transmission, infection is initiated with the introduction of the
spore through a break in the skin by directly contact with anthrax spores or
biting fly (cutaneous anthrax) or entry through the mucosa (gastrointestinal
anthrax). After ingestion (poor undercooked meat) by macrophages at the site of
entry, germination to the vegetative form occurs, followed by extracellular
multiplication and capsule and toxin production that induce releasing large
number of B. anthracis. But another
way also happen here, the inhalational anthrax begins after exposure to the
necessary inoculum, with the uptake of spores by pulmonary macrophages. These
macrophages carry the spores to tracheobronchial or mediastinal lymph nodes.
Here, B. anthracis finds a favorable
milieu for growth and is induced to vegetate. The organism begins to produce an
antiphagocytic capsule and at least three proteins, which appear to play a major
role in virulence.
principal virulence factors of B. anthracis are encoded on two plasmids,
one involved in the synthesis of a polyglutamyl capsule that inhibits
phagocytosis of vegetative forms and the other bearing the genes for the
synthesis of the exotoxins it secretes. The exotoxins are binary, composed of a
B (binding) protein that is necessary for entry into the host cell and an A
(enzymatically active) protein. The B component is known as the protective
antigen and is common to both toxins. The A component of the edema toxin is the
edema factor, a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase that is responsible for
the prominent edema at sites of infection, the inhibition of neutrophil
function, and the hindrance of the production by monocytes of tumor necrosis
factor and interleukin-6. The A component of the second toxin,
lethal toxin, is a zinc metalloprotease that inactivates mitogen-activated
protein kinase, leading to the inhibition of intracellular signaling. Lethal
toxin stimulates the release by macrophages of tumor necrosis factor α and
interleukin-1β, a mechanism that appears to contribute to the sudden death from
toxic effects that occurs in animals with high degrees of bacteremia (reaching to bacilli per milliliter of
blood, visible on Gram’s staining) and terminally high levels of lethal toxin.
2.3 Prevalence
Between 1979
and 1980, in association with war and the interruption of veterinary
public health practices, Zimbabwe was the site of the largest outbreak
of anthrax, with about 10,000 cases, almost all of which were cutaneous
infections. Between 20,000 and 100,000 cases of anthrax have been estimated to
occur worldwide annually, but in the United States, the annual incidence was
only 127 in the early part of the 20th century, and it subsequently declined to
less than 1 case per year, a rate maintained for the past 20 years. Until now, there had not been a case
of inhalational anthrax in the United States in more than 20 years. Thus, the
recent occurrence of 12 cases of anthrax, 6 involving inhalation and none with
the conventional exposure to infected animals or animal products, has
spotlighted the current consideration of anthrax as a weapon of bioterrorism.
were forced to recognize the possibility that anthrax may be used as a biologic
weapon in 1979, when at least 66 people in Sverdlovsk died in the largest known
epidemic of inhalational anthrax. This epidemic followed the accidental release
of anthrax spores into the atmosphere by a research facility involved in
“weaponizing” anthrax by preparing finely milled, nonclumping
(electrostatically neutral) spores that are optimal for dissemination and
inhalation and that produce toxins when they germinate. After the Gulf War, Iraq admitted producing and deploying such
weaponized anthrax in missiles, so a clear threat remains.
different disease infection of human has made a different case-fatality rate, on
24 July to 4 August 1989 in Haiti, cutaneous anthrax infection with penicillin
treatment have 5% to 20% of case-fatality rate (Raymond A. Smego et al., 1998),
while the case-fatality rate on 2001 in eastern United States of inhalational
anthrax infection with intensive care was 45% and untreated Gastrointestinal
anthrax infection about 25%-75% (John D. Grabenstein, 2008).
(Michael E. Bales et al., 2002) stated that on 2001 in southwest Texas 1,638
animal of at least 11 animal species were infected with Bacillus anthracis, on 1993 in southeast North Dakota there are 8
cases of anthrax in livestock by soil contamination or ingestion infection, on 1976 in Foard and Cottle
Counties Texas there are more than 160 cases where significantly higher attack
in bulls and horses that infected by biting flies or cutaneous infection, on
1961 in Philadelphia there is fatal cases of inhalation anthrax where
aerosolized B. anthrachis spread up and attach at a goat hair and healed each other.
2.4 Diagnosis
Several diagnosis method can be carried out as follows:
2.4.1 Blood Smear Rationale
In most species, at death from anthrax (the pig being a notable
exception) the blood is usually teeming with the capsulated anthrax bacilli,
provided the animal has not been treated. Published figures for terminal B.
anthracis blood counts are (approximate cfu/ ml) mice, rats -, sheep and goats , rhesus monkeys –, chimpanzees , zebras –, elephants –, springbok , blue wildebeest , cheetah .
2.4.2 Diagnosis Based on
Tests for Antigents
A simple, rapid and highly sensitive
and specific chromatographic device, a more reliable and more sensitive
alternative to the Ascoli test and utilizing a monoclonal capture antibody
detecting the anthrax–specific protective antigen, has now been designed and
shown to be useful for rapid on-site diagnosis in the field.
2.4.3 Molecular Diagnosis
Genetically-based confirmation by
PCR is becoming increasingly accepted on a stand-alone basis for many types of
specimen and is increasingly available worldwide through commercial kits. It is
still advisable to attempt to confirm bacteriologically (i) a positive to avoid
the chance of a false positive, and (ii) a negative in case the PCR test was
insufficiently sensitive.
2.5 Clinical
Horses may show acute
symptoms and die in 2–3 days. Intestinal lesions may result in colic and
diarrhoea. N. M. Swartz (2001) associated large oedemas on the breast, abdomen,
neck, and shoulders with cases transmitted by biting flies and the recovery
sometimes occurs. Pigs are regarded as more resistant to anthrax than cattle,
sheep, goats and horses, but herd outbreaks with significant mortality can
occur. Their greater resistance is reflected in the greater evidence of local
signs, such as swellings of the throat and pharyngeal and cervical lymph
Among cattle and
sheep, the period of illness is often so short that the affected animals may be
found dead without signs of illness having been noticed. Nevertheless, sometimes
anthrax is not always rapidly fatal to cattle and sheep, and an affected animal
may be ill for several days before death occurs. Any of the following symptoms
may be observed: high temperature, shivering and twitching, harsh dry coat,
fits, bright staring eyes, colicky pains, dejection, refusal of food, and
marked decrease or complete loss of milk. Occasionally a small trickle of blood
from the nostrils is visible and there may also be blood in the dung.
In the post-mortem
appearances, the unopened carcasses may be swollen and blood may ooze from the
nostrils or other natural openings of the body. These conditions are not always
present and their absence does not indicate that the case is not anthrax.
2.6 Treatment (Post-exposure Prophylaxis)
the animal treatment, the treatment is seldom possible and done for animals infected
with anthrax because of the rapid and fatal course of the disease once symptoms
become apparent. However, if time permits, antibiotic drugs (Penicillin, oxytetracycline,
doxycycline, dihydrostreptomycin, chloramphenicol, and rifampin) may be used
with good effect. If animals are likely to be continually exposed to infection,
for example by grazing over infected pastures, vaccination with anthrax spore
vaccine is recommended.
This vaccine is
safe to use and protects the animals for six months or more. Animals remain in
a susceptible state, however, for about ten days after vaccination, and should
be isolated as far as possible from contact with possible sources of infection
during this period. When the circumstances appear to warrant treatment with
antibiotics or vaccine, a veterinary surgeon should be consulted. As a note:
Antibiotics and vaccines should not be used at the same time because
antibiotics interfere with the development of immunity. If animals require
antibiotics shortly after vaccination they should be revaccinated 10 days after
the antibiotic treatment has stopped.
3.1 Conclusion
Based on the discussion, we conclude that:
Bacillus anthracis as the causative agent of
anthrax, it’s a large, gram-positive, aerobic,
spore-forming, grows readily at a temperature of 37°C, and forms
large colonies with irregularly tapered outgrowths.
The anthrax cycle begins from
anthrax spores that survive in the soil of pasture area and then infect human
also animal by cutaneous, inhalational, and ingestion infection where cutaneous
is highest infection.
The increment of prevalence of
the disease can be seen in animal and human cases where untreated condition
increasing case fatality rate while treated condition decreasing case-fatality
Several diagnosis methods that
can be carried out such as Blood smear rationale, Diagnosis based on the antigents
(Ascoli test), and molecular diagnosis where Ascoli test more simple, rapid,
and sensitive.
The clinical signs of infected
animals sometimes unvisible (suddenly death), but sometimes such as shivering
and twitching also diarrhea as onset of infection.
The treatment can be done by
therapy of antibiotic drugs and vaccination, but it must be used in different
3.2 Suggestion
Based on this paper, the author give the suggestion that
anthrax disease is a hazardous infection as well for human and animals. Therefore, know
the sources and cycle of the disease and then cut and close the cycle are important.
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